Welcome to the page of Massimiliano "mascanc" Masi

History of this Site

The MasCanc.NET story, May 20, 2018

Back in 1993, MasCanc (Massi + Cance) decided with some friends (Vieri, Sergio) to build a Bullettin Board System on a Compaq 386 running RedHat 5.2. The BBS joined Fidonet (2:332/136, 2:550/33, 2:2/33), and other netwoks (Toscanet, Cybernet, PNet). After the Italian Crackdown the BBS morphed into a hosting service, closed in 2001. Now it is just this web page.

Who am I

Born in 1978. I have more than 14 years of experience in IT Security, a EMBA in Cybersecurity Management, a Ph.D. in Formal Methods applied to Computer Science, and a M.Sc. in Numerical Analysis. I have been involved as technology lead in projects in Europe, Africa, and in the United States. I am a reviewer for several journals and expert of the EU Commission, ENISA, and the Austrian Ministry of Health. My actual fields are industrial control systems, electonic healthcare and distributed ledger technologies. I am an active contributor of European Large Scale Pilots, both in development (in Java) and as IT Cybersecurity Architect. I am ITIL and ISO 27000 certified. You can download my full CV. I mostly maintain only my LinkedIn profile and Facebook account. You can always drop me a mail.